
First Post, so here we go!

First Blog...ever!

Home Sweet Home! A big change
from Washington, DC!
So, I was asked by a few friends as to WHY I don't blog.  For some reason I never felt what I do on a daily basis to be interesting, but why not? Perhaps this will be a good way of venting, sharing ideas, and perhaps a little bit of creepy people watching :).

I plan on updating this blog every other day, or so, depending on whats going on here in exciting Bozeman, Montana. First Rule: I will attempt to use correct grammar and spelling (being a former teacher and all) ... but that will not be guaranteed!!! :)

My Newest Adventure: Take back the house!

Annabeth's Closet

I came home from a wonderful Christmas vacation in SoCal, only to discover that my month long "lagging" on the house had really started to show.  Therefore, I decided to start my challenge of "take back the house" ... I can't stand not being able to find things (ask my hubs, I lose things ALL the time).  But I also hate when my own space is something I can't relax in because there is excess paper on the coffee table, or that "scary closet" that i won't open is full of crap that I have NO clue what is in there.  First things first -- I gathered my most handy tools: Trash bags, small grocery bags, removeable  labels (i.e. post its), and my trusty label maker!

Toy Bins, Labeled,
and Categorized
I Started first on Annabeth's room. Why? Simple, because I felt that if her room was finished, she could play in her room while I was conquering other rooms in the house.  I really paired down things in her room.  Unnecessary toys that I was keeping for my own sentimental value were out.  She didn't play with her kitchen or play vanity anymore -- so those were out; stuffed animals were limited 10; things were contained by baskets or plastic tubs, neatly labeled to be put away.  Also, her favorite books were placed on the lowest shelf of a bookshelf, and the others are stored in another area of the house.  Her Leapster is placed within reach.  This video system she is allowed to play whenever she likes (mostly educational games, etc.); her Nintendo DS is only for use in the car, or at a store -- so long as she is quiet and not "begging" for this that and the other.  (A Side note: we never use the DVD system that is in the car in town -- only on long drives -- it stops the "mommy, what movie are we watching...etc. when you are trying to get into a car when it's 10 degree's outside).   She also has a table and chair set in the corner -- this is a great place for her puzzles (located on the bookshelf :)) as well as impromptu tea parties.  No play dough, moon dough, or paints allowed! Annabeth knows that any of these more "messy" projects are to be done in the kitchen (and all of these supplies are under the sink :) ).

Top Drawer.  The organizers were bought
inexpensively at IKEA, 9.99 for 10!

My favorite part of her room is her dresser.  It's always a pain to do laundry, but I finally broke down and paired down clothes she can't wear anymore (even though I hate to part with them), and sectioned her drawers into basic winter necessities (i'll change some of the categories in the summer -- all two months of it!).  Sections are: Undies and Socks, Nightgowns, T-shirts, sweats (including jackets), Leggings, jeans/bottoms, long sleeve shirts, and complete outfits.  The complete outfits is my favorite part of the drawer.  It helps Annabeth become more "independent" when she wants to get dressed.  I fold pants inside of tops and place them in this area.  All she has to do is pick up this bundle, and she's ready to get dressed.

After I finished Annabeth's room, I knew there was one more area I had to conquer that day: The Hall/Linen Closet.  This house is equipted with 3 Hall Closets! One with double doors and 6 long shelves; one wiht a single door, shelf, and rod; and another double door with a shelf and a rod (mainly our winter coats... I havne't gotten to that one yet).  My main closet that is used everyday is the double door closet with six shelves.  It's basically a linen closet, with some storage, as well as a place for annabeth's toys. It was a great place to house all of her books and Pony Collections (thanks Auntie Allaina!!).  Books are something we don't scrimp on.  She's a fond "reader" and loves her books.  I will find her sitting in that hall on a pillow thumbing through books.  She has several collections of My Little Ponies and Pet Shop figurines that are housed neatly in plastic drawers (purchased at the Container Store when I worked there during a seasonal job). I labeled all of the boxes.  Annabeth can't read, but she can sound out words, and this has helped her a lot with sounding out words -- even in the few day's that they closet has been reorganized! 

Linen Closet (and two more
shelves above the towels too!)
 This closet also serves a huge purpose of housing linens, towels, cleaning supplies, and "over stock."  Everything is labeled, and things that Annabeth would need (like TP) is within her reach.  She knows that cleaning supplies are NOT to be touched, and hasn't considered touching them.  Overstock is the extras that I purchase in bulk that don't fit (neatly) in the bathroom.  Items purchased in bulk such as shampoo, soap, cleaning supplies, facial wipes, make up, and small hand sanitizers (for the purse, I buy these on sale from Bath and Body works; i can't STAND typical hand sanitizer... it smells awful and dries out your hands...).  I love buying in bulk -- it's one less thing to purchase every two weeks (you'd be surprised how much you could save!)

Well, that's about it for my first trip in cleaning the house and "taking it back."  I hope this hasn't bored you -- perhaps it's given you a few ideas, and even some motivation to re-organize.  Let me know what you think! :)

My Organizing tip of the day:  Reorganize a drawer -- any drawer.  You'd be surprised how much better you will feel when you wake up in the morning and you can actually find your toothpaste in your bathroom drawer! :)

Happy Organizing!

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