
Cleaning the house -- Oh how I loathe you Monday!!

Happy Monday!

Sometimes, this is EXACTLY how I feel...

Yeah, I didn't think you would second that either.  I may  be a stay at home mom, but Monday's are those days I dread.  It's the start of the week (no more hubby around :(  ) and it's the start of my daily cleaning schedule.  "DAILY CLEANING SCHEDULE?!" you may ask... but yes...daily.  I feel very overwhelmed by the "grandmother" concept that I was raised with in my family -- and I feel guilty when there is something out of place.  But, that being said, we are a regular family with regular messes.  I still have bags (yes regular shopping bags) full of clothes in my bedroom that have been there since we moved in.  I'm just being lazy and not going through them -- I'll get to them eventually I suppose.  But there is something about waking up, making the bed (yep, everyday!) and getting started with your day.  Mondays, however, are the worst for me.  It's... Bathroom day... yuck.  Although it's Monday, and I haven't even started on the bathrooms yet, I did do my grocery shopping today (that is usually reserved for Sunday's).  So, tomorrow I'll probably double up on bathrooms and dust/vac the floors.  So yeah, it's a little schedule (that's in my head) that I'm trying to get implemented here in Bozeman.  It's a nice one, that if you don't feel like doing something that day, you can move it to the next.  I also don't spend all day cleaning.  30 mins, max of the "deep cleaning."  I try to do at least two loads of laundry a day, and I'm still tyring to get that system working.  When we lived in VA, my hubbs did all of the laundry -- but now that I'm at home -- I think it's something he shouldn't have to worry about.   

Ok, so here is my "attempt" at a cleaning schedule.  I'm starting today (ah hem -- tomorrow), and I'll let you know how it's going.  I'll also tweak it as need be... feel free to comment...

Monday: Bathrooms (everything except the floors)
Tuesday: dust/vac (living room, kitchen/dining shelves, hallway)
Wednesday: Sweep/Mop floors (bathrooms, kitchen, laundry room, foyer)
Thursday: dust/vac (master bedroom, annabeth's room --she can help too!, office)
Friday: Bathrooms (general wipedown), Kitchen cleaned -- oven, microwave, fridge, counters, sink -- all wiped off (i love my 409 kitchen cleaner... oh, and a "self cleaning oven" helps too!
Saturday: day off :) (but I'm ocd -- so I'm sure I'll figure something to clean out)
Sunday:  day off :)

*everyday -- at least ONE load of laundry (complete load, cyndie -- no leaving it in the washer...); make bed(s); general "pick up"

I'm also going to have a "project a week" until i "take back the house, 2011" ... meaning?  This week it's the guest/office/sewing room.  Next week it will be the two hall closets, and so on. 

Ok, well that's all I have for today ... till next time :)

tip of the day: http://www.coupons.com/ -- LIFESAVER (as well as money saver!!)

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