
2 more shopping trips, and money to be saved!

So I decided to stop posting (and annoying) people with all of my "good deals" from the stores; instead I will post them here, then link it to my facebook.  (Follow me if you can! I'd really love to have more followers via blogger/gmail)

My first trip was to Albertsons.

1 -  6 pack of water
11 imperial margarine packs of sticks
5 Kraft bbq sauce
2 loaves of bread
2 mayos
2 laundry detergents
2 Sunday Papers (Coupons!)
The margarine was .49 ea when you buy any 10 participating items. 
the bbq sauce was a part of that same sale and they were .99 ea (I had 5  coupons for .75 off each, so .25 each!)
Mayo was on the sale, but I didn't have a coupon, so they were still 1.49 ea
The laundry was in the sale as well, and I had -1.25 coupon off of sale price (2.99-1.25= 1.74 each!)
The bread was "regular price" at .99 each, and the papers were 2.00 each
water was 1.00 (I had a 1.00 coupon = FREE)
Obviously that doesn't add up -- thats because I had a $10 coupon off of my purchase (a catalina) -- so It was 11.02 total!

My next trip was to Smiths (Kroger Affiliate)
Smiths had a similar sale to Albertsons; buy any 10 participating items get a discount price (or 5.00 off -- same thing)
The Philly cooking cream was 1.99 ea (on sale w/ buy any 10) and I had two -1.50 coupons = .49 c each!
The dannon yogurt was 1.49 ea (on sale w/ buy any 10) and I had five -1.00 coupons = .49 c each
Then I "filled in" with the powerade for .39 c each

3.75 total (with all coupons and "smiths" discounts)

Crazy right?

Well, That was my shopping adventure for today...
Let me know what you think!