
This is what my pantry looks like ... c'mon -- read it. be nosey!

The.Pantry.   (by the way -- click on the pictures to see them larger!)

Yes, It's my pantry.  Now,  you may think I straightened everything to show it to my blog, but you are quite wrong my friend! This is how it looks every day of the week.  I know it seems a (little) OCD ...but lets face it -- how awesome is it to open up a cabinet and know exactly where everything is?  I also have a running log in my purse of items that I have, I'm running low on, and "in desperate need." 

I buy a lot in bulk to avoid having a high bill every two weeks of groceries.  Right now we are eating at right under 100 every two weeks, but I plan on cutting that -- by a lot.  I have enough beef and chicken in the freezer to last two months. I purchase when it's on sale, costco, etc., ... cook it up, and freeze it.  The best thing I got for Christmas was a foodsaver.  It's more like a life saver -- and I highly recommend investing in one!
I have pictures of all of the pantry shelves, except for two... not sure why I missed two.  I think I was just trying to get the gist of the pantry -- not overload you with crazy pictures.  

I'm also showing you my medicine shelf.  (the baskets are from walmart -- $1 each and I can reach them!).  I'm quite short and my eyeline is barely on the bottom of cabinets, much less to see whats in baskets ... so I purchased these small handled baskets that I can pull down when I need something.  (if you notice in the main pantry picture you will see my coveted stool -- I use it daily! 

One of my favorite cabinets is the corner cabinet: spices and baking items.  I know it looks insanely straight -- but that's how I keep it.  Otherwise I'll never know what I have.  I also write the expiration date on EVERYTHING.  If I'm feeling really OCD I'll also write it in my planner.  I really do this for medicine, but occasionally you will find that my parsley will expire in November of this year. 

Ok, well I think I've given a pretty descent tour of my kitchen storage areas...

Love to all!